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Choose one of cases by given conditions. It "splits" source unit into several events, which fires when payload matches their conditions. Works like pattern matching for payload values and external stores


Case mode#

Mode in which target case is selected by name of it's field. Case could be selected from data in source by case function or from external case store which keept current case name. After selection data from source will be sent to corresponding cases[fieldName] (if there is one), if none of the fields matches, then the data will be sent to cases.__ (if there is one)

See also:

Matching mode#

Mode in which each case sequentially matched by stores and functions in fields of match object. If one of the fields got true from store value or return of function, then the data from source will be sent to corresponding cases[fieldName] (if there is one), if none of the fields matches, then the data will be sent to cases.__ (if there is one)

See also:

Case store#

Store with string which will be used to choose case by it's name. Placed directly in match field

source: Unit<T>
// case store
match: Store<'first' | 'second'>,
cases: {
first: Unit<T>,
second: Unit<T>,
__?: Unit<T>

Case function#

String-returning function which will be called with value from source to choose case by it's name. Placed directly in match field, should be pure

source: Unit<T>
// case function
match: (value: T) => 'first' | 'second',
cases: {
first: Unit<T>,
second: Unit<T>,
__?: Unit<T>

Matcher store#

Boolean store which indicates whether to choose particular case or try next one. Placed in fields of match object, might be mixed with matcher functions

source: Unit<T>
match: {
// matcher store
first: Store<boolean>,
second: Store<boolean>
cases: {
first: Unit<T>,
second: Unit<T>,
__?: Unit<T>

Matcher function#

Boolean-returning function which indicates whether to choose particular case or try next one. Placed in fields of match object, might be mixed with matcher stores, should be pure

source: Unit<T>
match: {
// matcher function
first: (value: T) => boolean,
second: (value: T) => boolean
cases: {
first: Unit<T>,
second: Unit<T>,
__?: Unit<T>

Case store, case funtion and matcher store are supported since effector 21.8.0

split with cases#

split({source, match, cases})
source: Unit<T>
// case function
match: (data: T) => 'a' | 'b',
cases: {
a: Unit<T>,
b: Unit<T>,
__?: Unit<T>
source: Unit<T>
// case store
match: Store<'a' | 'b'>,
cases: {
a: Unit<T>,
b: Unit<T>,
__?: Unit<T>
source: Unit<T>
match: {
// matcher function
a: (data: T) => boolean,
// matcher store
b: Store<boolean>
cases: {
a: Unit<T>,
b: Unit<T>,
__?: Unit<T>




effector 21.0.0

Example 1#

import {split, createEffect, createEvent} from 'effector'
const messageReceived = createEvent()
const showTextPopup = createEvent()
const playAudio = createEvent()
const reportUnknownMessageType = createEffect(({type}) => {
console.log('unknown message:', type)
source: messageReceived,
match: {
text: msg => msg.type === 'text',
audio: msg => msg.type === 'audio',
cases: {
text: showTextPopup,
audio: playAudio,
__: reportUnknownMessageType,
showTextPopup.watch(({value}) => {
console.log('new message:', value)
type: 'text',
value: 'Hello',
// => new message: Hello
type: 'image',
imageUrl: '...',
// => unknown message: image

Try it

Example 2#

You can match directly to store api as well:

import {split, createStore, createEvent, createApi} from 'effector'
const textContent = createStore([])
const messageReceived = createEvent()
source: messageReceived,
match: {
text: msg => msg.type === 'text',
audio: msg => msg.type === 'audio',
cases: createApi(textContent, {
text: (list, {value}) => [...list, value],
audio: (list, {duration}) => [...list, `audio ${duration} ms`],
__: list => [...list, 'unknown message'],
textContent.watch(messages => {
type: 'text',
value: 'Hello',
// => ['Hello']
type: 'image',
imageUrl: '...',
// => ['Hello', 'unknown message']
type: 'audio',
duration: 500,
// => ['Hello', 'unknown message', 'audio 500 ms']

Try it

split without explicit cases#

split(source, match)


  1. source: Unit which will trigger computation in split
  2. match (Object): Schema of cases, which uses names of resulting events as keys, and matching function((value) => Boolean)


(Object) - Object, having keys, defined in match argument, plus __(two underscores) - which stands for default (no matches met) case.


effector 20.0.0

Example 1#

import {createEvent, split} from 'effector'
const message = createEvent()
const messageByAuthor = split(message, {
bob: ({user}) => user === 'bob',
alice: ({user}) => user === 'alice',
messageByAuthor.bob.watch(({text}) => {
console.log('[bob]: ', text)
messageByAuthor.alice.watch(({text}) => {
console.log('[alice]: ', text)
message({user: 'bob', text: 'Hello'})
// => [bob]: Hello
message({user: 'alice', text: 'Hi bob'})
// => [alice]: Hi bob
/* default case, triggered if no one condition met */
const {__: guest} = messageByAuthor
guest.watch(({text}) => {
console.log('[guest]: ', text)
message({user: 'unregistered', text: 'hi'})
// => [guest]: hi

Try it


Only the first met match will trigger resulting event

Example 2#

import {createEvent, split} from 'effector'
const message = createEvent()
const {short, long, medium} = split(message, {
short: m => m.length <= 5,
medium: m => m.length > 5 && m.length <= 10,
long: m => m.length > 10,
short.watch(m => console.log(`short message '${m}'`))
medium.watch(m => console.log(`medium message '${m}'`))
long.watch(m => console.log(`long message '${m}'`))
message('Hello, Bob!')
// => long message 'Hello, Bob!'
// => short message 'Hi!'

Try it

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